Woodside Pottery is fully booked until March 28th. Apologies for any inconvenience. If you have a voucher, please get in touch to arrange a date.

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Buy pieces from the Woodside Pottery Gallery.
Selected pieces will be for sale during Dorset Art Week from May 25 to June 9, 2024. Please call or email ahead to arrange your visit and book a visiting time slot.


Woodside Pottery Studio & Garden Gallery

Hand crafted pottery made by Grazyna Schweidler

The Garden Gallery has work on display made by Grazyna at Woodside Pottery for sale. Occasionally it also features work by other local potters. You can visit the gallery if you are here for a pottery session, otherwise please call first to arrange a visit if you are considering purchasing a piece of pottery.

The Studio

Welcome to Woodside Pottery.

Our home studio is calm and relaxing, set in our beautiful gardens surrounded by trees and nature. Pottery sessions and 'have a go' experience days are always private and unique to your booking only, with 1-to-1 tuition from Grazyna.

Full-day sessions
Start at 9:30 am and end at 4:30 pm (with a 1-hour break).

Half-day morning sessions
Start at 9:30 am and end at 12:30 pm.

Half-day afternoon sessions
Start at 1:30 pm and end at 4:30 pm.

Materials & tools

The studio is equipped with brushes, carving tools, natural glazes, and more!

Tools for working in clay are provided but of course if you would like to bring your own, that is good too.
Clays, slips, underglazes and glazes are also provided. These are mostly clays and glazes which will fire up to Stoneware temperatures.

Kilns & firing

There are medium sized kilns on site which fire the clay. Pieces are usually fired twice.
The first firing is a long, slow firing with a gradual increase in temperature up to about 1000 deg centigrade. This completely dries out the clay and turns it into a porous, ceramic body which is ready to accept the final glaze.
The second firing is faster and about 220 degrees higher. This is the glaze firing.

But before any work is fired it must be completely dry and this can take several days and depends on the thickness of the clay, the complexity of the work, as well as the atmospherics. Most importantly everything must dry slowly so that the shrinkage and movement of the clay is even.

Visitor images of making pottery

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Find out what my students have been making during their experience days and classes.
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